new morticia and gomez addams meme just dropped

and there's a blank version in this email after i tell you about my show just ONE more time

Top right: 1991 Gomez and Morticia Addams in the audience looking bored. To their left is the text "hulu has live sports." Bottom right: Mortician and Gomez and "Uncle" "Fester" applauding the show. To their left is the text "tristan has live theatre."

Look, sports are great, but they're on almost every day of the year. I'm on only TWO MORE days this year. And yes, you can ALSO watch my show from your couch in your lucky jersey. But my show is free. BYOB.

in a way that matters is a live multimedia performance about who we are, who we were, and what happens when we’re gone. It explores death acceptance and the body through personal stories, mushrooms, trans ancestors, and a dash of Hamlet.

Livestreamed on YouTube on Friday, Nov 3 at 8pm Eastern and Saturday, Nov 4 at 3pm Eastern. Tickets are pay-what-you-want and ticket links are below!

Top right: 1991 Gomez and Morticia Addams in the audience looking bored. To their left is a blank space for text. Bottom right: Mortician and Gomez and "Uncle" "Fester" applauding the show. To their left is a blank space for text.