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- I’m still confused by that Burberry campaign with Adam Driver and the horse and also maybe it’s trans culture?
I’m still confused by that Burberry campaign with Adam Driver and the horse and also maybe it’s trans culture?
I’m pretty sure this is SFW but honestly the ad is so weird, maybe it isn’t? your call

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to create an ad –
Namely, that Burberry one where Adam Driver runs into the ocean with a horse, maybe fucks it? (no one else seems to think so but I’m not convinced), and reemerges as a centaur –
And a time to re-air it: every year until we all die, I guess.
I have seen the travail (“I want your muscles to look like horse muscles”) which Jonathan Glazer hath given to Adam Driver to be exercised in it.
He hath made Adam Driver+horse beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no person (me) can stop watching this fucking weird cologne ad, which I am starting to seriously consider the trans-masc Under the Skin. (Don’t ask me to explain myself, I hardly know what I mean yet.) (Okay okay I’ll try… here’s some jumbled thoughts:
A horse and an Adam Driver(/human man) race from the earth towards the ocean. They run into the water and emerge reborn as something more than horse and more than Adam Driver(/human man). There’s still an aspect of the inhuman, the other, but he has been made glorious, even resplendent. He’s not someone to be hated or pitied. He’s someone to be idealized and longed after.
Maybe there’s something here about how many trans men seem to become obsessed with fitness. Some, I suspect, trying desperately to emulate something most likely unattainable - not because they’re trans, but because they’re not rich actors with personal trainers who will run them through hours of workouts and presumably smack enjoyable food out of their hands leading up to a shoot. Even Adam Driver doesn’t look like this Adam Driver all the time.)
Anyways if you haven’t seen it I’d love to know what you think of this weird ad, and I’m sorry I spoiled the surprise for you.
My thoughts while first watching the Burberry ad:
That’s not a real human body
Can horses swim?
Can Adam Driver swim?
Is it safe to swim next to a horse?
Are they trying to make it seem like Adam Driver and that horse are getting it on?
Is that a CENTAUR!!!
WAIT seriously I’m not the only one seeing this right are they supposed to look like a centaur now!
Does this cologne smell like horse?
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